Services that grow with your business

With experience ranging from the largest of Fortune 5 companies, to helping brand new businesses get off the ground, we’ve got experience with all sorts of companies. We can help your company at any stage to reach the next level of growth.


Cybersecurity Strategy And Execution

MN Cloud Consulting can provide both strategic and tactical support to secure your business.

Cloud Managed Services

MN Cloud Consulting can manage cloud services for you.

Cloud Cost Management

MN Cloud Consulting can show you why your cloud bills are so high, and where your money’s going.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning

MN Cloud Consulting can help you plan to survive disasters, both natural and manmade.

DevOps Consulting

MN Cloud Consulting build and introduce tools to help your developers deliver better code, faster.

Observability Consulting

MN Cloud Consulting can illuminate the dark corners of your IT landscape with observability tools.

Security Auditing

MN Cloud Consulting can both prepare you for an upcoming audit and perform independent audits.

Performance Analysis

Is your system running slow and you don’t know why? Let MN Cloud Consulting help!