Cybersecurity Strategy And Execution

MN Cloud Consulting can provide both strategic and tactical support to secure your business.

Accounting Services

Cyber attacks are on the rise, with a 72% increase in attacks from 2021 to 2023.1 The global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was 4.45 million USD.2 As the threat landscape expands and new threats emerge, it’s more important now than ever before that companies have a strategy for cybersecurity, and that they execute on it. MN Cloud Consulting can help you with both strategy and execution using our extensive experience and knowledge to identify problem areas, create a plan to remediate those problems, and to execute that plan.

Cybersecurity Strategy

For organizations with IT resources but no security expertise, we can help you assess your systems and determine a plan to remediate the most immediate weaknesses to be executed by your own IT organization, and validated by us. This is often also called a Fractional CISO or vCISO3 engagement, used mostly by organizations that don’t yet have a need for full time executive cybersecurity leadership, but are interested in strengthening their security posture, for business continuity reasons, regulatory compliance reasons, or just to ease your mind about potential cybersecurity incidents.

Cybersecurity Execution

If your organization already has a fully formed cybersecurity strategy, we can help augment your existing staff to achieve your cybersecurity goals. Our staff has extensive experience working to improve cybersecurity in many diverse environments, including in on-premise infrastructure, public cloud infrastructure, and colocation centers, using a diversity of tooling to accomplish those goals.

Execution and Strategy, Together

Startups often don’t consider security until their product is built, which results in a dependence on insecure configurations and numerous security breeches. Engagements that include both execution and strategy are our specialty. For companies that may not have enough work to justify a full time hire of either a CISO to set strategy, or engineers to execute that strategy, we offer both services. Hiring a single organization to do both can reduce communication overhead and reduce cost. Let’s build consistent business processes to bake security into your products from their inception!