Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning

MN Cloud Consulting can help you plan to survive disasters, both natural and manmade.

business plan drawing

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning (BC/DR planning) is something that every business should do. Finding yourself without a plan in a situation where your business has been affected by a disaster can be a terrible feeling. Building a BCDR plan can help you avoid ever being in that situation. MN Cloud Consulting can help you identify the vital parts of your business, the things you can’t do business without, and together we’ll build contingency plans for when those pieces of your business are for one reason or another unavailable to you. At the end of this process, we’ll provide you with a binder of the scenarios we discussed, and the action plans for how to restart your business after those scenarios take place. We’ll also provide you with a list of action items that you can take to improve your ability to respond to disaster. Usually it’s best to do BCDR planning on a regular schedule, some companies like to do it once a year, and some like to do it once a quarter. No matter the schedule, it’s important to revisit BCDR on a set interval to update your plans with the latest changes to your business.