DevOps Consulting

MN Cloud Consulting build and introduce tools to help your developers deliver better code, faster.

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DevOps is a practice designed to increase developer productivity through automation. A lot of DevOps tasks focus on “shifting left”, which is an analogy based on putting tasks on a timeline. Taking tasks that previously took time toward the end of a software development release cycle, and moving them toward the beginning, in a way that doesn’t place more strain on developers because of the automation involved, is what this practice promotes. The goal of doing this is to learn earlier on in the project that doing things a certain way will cause you problems later in the process. Learning about potential problems earlier in the software development process can help you respond more quickly, allowing you to deliver a high quality product and requiring less rework.

Developer Self Service Infrastructure

Instead of separating developers who write code, and operators who run code, providing developers with the ability to provision and manage their own infrastructure with safe defaults and all your tools and security best practices built in automatically can allow a much smaller group of platform-focused operators to manage a much larger infrastructure footprint with a smaller team. MN Cloud Consulting builds tooling and practices to enable your business to scale more smoothly without sacrificing quality.

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery go hand in hand. Together, they allow your team to regularly build and test code to identify defects more quickly, and deploy that code without service interruption during the normal course of a day. Leveraging automation and parallelism, you can accomplish these goals, which increases developer productivity and makes it harder to introduce bugs into a codebase.