Performance Analysis

Is your system running slow and you don’t know why? Let MN Cloud Consulting help!

a drawing of a person standing in front of a spedometer

“Performance is sluggish” is a common phrase that software users use regarding software they’re using. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help developers know what to fix. There are a number of factors that go into how a user perceives the performance of a program to be, including their own hardware and network, the physical distance to the servers they’re contacting, the speed and content of responses, as well as any operations internal to the hosting environment that take time to execute. Often, these issues are not repeatable, which puts your ability to diagnose these problems on the spot into the hands of users, who may not be the most tech savvy, or interested in helping you diagnose issues. The key to understanding what causes users to report bad performance without placing an unreasonable onus on your customers requires a proactive approach, which includes instrumenting your frontend and backend with tools that help us find those performance problems when users report them. MN Cloud Consulting has plenty of experience chasing performance issues down, and working with your business to prioritize fixing the worst problems first.